The Old Bailey

Grade 1 listed client
  • Television distribution
  • Discrete aerial array
The Old Bailey, London

The Old Bailey is the foremost court in the UK, and, as such, presented unique challenges we had to overcome.

The brief

First, all operatives had to be vetted to be able to work in the building.

Second, the aerial array could not be visible on the skyline.

Third, so as not to disrupt court proceedings, all drilling or other works that produced any noise could only be carried out during the lunch recess, giving us a restricted two-hour time frame to work within.

Finally, all cables had to be discreetly installed with no damage to the structure, due to the Old Bailey being a listed building.

The installation

We positioned the aerial array at low level so that it could not be visible along the skyline with St Paul’s Cathedral.

We installed the main distribution system down the communal riser, with each floor having the facility to connect to the system.

All the cables installed to the Judges chambers were run via various ceiling voids, riser cupboards and finally in trunking within the room.

We worked under the pressure of being held in contempt of court should we cause any disruption whilst any of the courtrooms were in session.

The result

Good quality TV reception and no one going to the cells!

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